Saturday, January 28, 2012


Well, it is almost the end of January and here I am again.  I have finally inserted a picture in my profile zone.  It is a picture of Tina, a 12 week old pit bull but don't tell her that.  She thinks she is a lap dog and no one is a stranger as all are put here for her pleasure of holding, petting, and playing.  She lived with me for 4 days and was very spoiled by husband P and myself before we  (I) gave her back to daughter C.  She again lives with her brother Buster, sister Georgia, Mom and Dad, then human mom (my daughter C) and our grandson S.  What a house full!  Here is a picture of the three sibs!

Georgia is the black and white (image of her mother) and Buster has the brown ears and built just like his father.  He is scared of his own shadow like his dad.  Tina, the precious baby, was attacked by her Mom when she was 2 wks old and had to be rushed to the vet.  We believe she is blind in her left eye or maybe just partially.  She didn't nurse from Mom after that and can you blame her. C played Mom to her and with antibiotics and good food she is growing!  She is still much smaller than her sibs and probably always will be.  The mother and father are sweet dogs and the puppies are too!  The end of puppies but I promise other pictures in the future!

I did make a picture of Days Past finished so here it is.

Yes it was done on 28ct Cashel Lt Sand so it is big!  I have plans to stitch Christmas II Songs of the Season on 28ct Cashel Lt Sand also so they will match.  Cute.  I am currently working on This Is The Day which was started last year in the Crazy 15 starts in 15 days Challenge which I only managed to finish 9 so I am playing catch up WIPs with a few new ones thrown in this year.  I am going to try to beat my record of 9 and finish 10!  I'm not making a list this year, I'm just going for it and hope for the best.

Friends are planning a quilt retreat on the mountain in March and I hope to attend.  It has been ok'd here by daughter and husband as they believe they can survive without me for a week or ten days as I will have to travel to Ohio to visit with my Mom in the home.  I just have to find a place to stay while I am there.

This is day 8 of suffering from a sinus infection.  Yes I finally visited with the Nurse Practioner and she visited with me.  I think my husband was tired of listening to me cough and complain of the rip-roaring headache.  I was the last to get this mess in the family and thought it was going to pass me by this year.  No such luck.  They (all 3) never ran a fever, coughed/hacked for hours, couldn't breath through the nose like me.  Plus they were all over it in a few days!  He hates it when I'm sick.  Isn't that sweet?  I made it to Mass last Sunday and I plan to attend tomorrow as I am feeling better.  Almost but not quite human.

I have enjoyed viewing all of the latest on the blogs.  There sure is some very pretting stitching going on.  I don't comment often just every now and then so if you don't see me in your comments just know that I am thinking of you as I scurry on the the next blog.

Stitch Happy! and
Happy Stitching!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A New Year!

Well, it has been an extremely long time since I have written on my blog.  I am so sorry for the delay.  I was thinking about you and reading your blogs - usually no comments - but never bothered to update my own.

I did manage to finish 9 of the 15 day challenge from last January.  That's pretty impressive for me.  Here is the list of finished stitches with the date finished: Sampling Halloween 1-30-11, Quaker Christmas Sampler 2-14-11, Merry Christmas 2-27-11, Housework Never Killed Anyone 3-9-11,  Holly & Berries 4-9-11, Crow 4-19-11, A Quaker Christmas 7-13-11, ABC Lessons 11-26-11, and finally Let Heaven & Nature Sing 12-30-11.  I will show you pictures of the last three as all of the others are elsewhere here.

Let Heaven & Nature Sing
With Thy Needle & Thread - Blackbird Designs
32 ct old mill java
recommended threads except DMC 371 instead of OWS

ABC Lessons
22 ct hardanger beige
threads included in kit
  I can't seem to find a picture of Quaker Christmas but let me just say it is finished and beautiful.  And no, not a thing is finished or framed.  Maybe one day.

I have been busy with other things throughout this past year.  I traveled to the mountains of TN to stitch with girlfriends and make quilts.  I did manage to very simply machine quilt two while I was there and the receivers were extremely happy to receive them.  I also made a reindeer quilt for my grandson who is now 7 and in the second grade.  It fits his double bed and was a real trial for me to machine quilt.  I am so not good at that!  Here is a sideways partial pic from Christmas.

Reindeer Games Quilt
Peppermint & Holly - Art to Heart #530B
(Nancy Halvorsen)
setting changed to simple
I am sending the book and all fabric remains to my quilt friend Jill who is supposed to make this quilt also.  She bought the fabrics at the same time!  That might have been in 2007 or 2008.  Well you know that fabric has to age before it can be used - all quilters know that!

I read a lot of books this past year also.  Most of them were new but I had to visit with old friends also.  Most of them I read on my kindle so there was no heavy lifting and turning of pages!

I have promised myself to finish my challenge from 2011 and stitch at least 1 or 2 new pieces.  Hopefully these will all be from my stash.  My husband and daughter stand in my sewing room and shake their heads.  I made mention of giving my quilt fabric away - just keeping the quilt kits I had made up and make up a few more - but they both said not to do that (give away the fabric).  I may still give some way.  Let's be honest here ladies and gents, just how long am I going to be able to cut, sew, hand quilt and bind.  I'm 60 now and how long are the eyes and hands going to last.  I realize that I started talking about my stash (cross stitch) and finished with my quilting but they are housed in the same room - small room too.  Remember I live in a single wide trailer!  Not much room for zippidy do da but I make do.  Lucky for me, my husband is not a collector and his stuff is in the shed! (along with 2 4-wheelers and a dirt bike)   This is dirt road living at its best!

Nicole get your stitching mojo back soon.  I miss the pictures of your stitching.  Siobhan keep adding those pictures of Ireland.  I love them! (Irish and Scottish heritage from my Mum)  sorry Dad - you were Irish and Mum was Scottish.

Happy Stitching to all and a healthy New Year.