Sunday, May 16, 2010

It has been an extremely long time since I posted. I have been reading everyone else on their blogs and have enjoyed myself and yes I do leave comments but not every time I visit. I love looking at the stitching projects both finished and unfinished.

I have been very busy with other projects and here is my big news! The dreaded white quilt is finally finished and on it's way back to it's owner! Woo Hoo! No more feathered borders to quilt! Woo Hoo! I now have to quilt a lap size quilt which you quilters may remember - Snowbound - The Winter Quilt by Red Wagon - primitive applique blocks. This belongs to one of my former quilt students and lucky for me she is in no hurry for it. Maybe I will take a little time off quilting and cross stitch for a while. I would like to get block #10 of Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow finished before picking up the quilting again.

I have also be busy around the house. We have GRASS!!! Ok so it's only in the front yard but at least we have it. I water it faithfully daily or every other if the weather is not too hot. And it's kind of hot here, high 80's and it's only the middle of May - but I guess this is what it is in SC. Yes I am a transplant from Ohio and no I did not miss the winter in Ohio - my husband got to enjoy it all by himself!

Speaking of the husband, he was here visiting for the grandson's birthday and we have a wonderful visit. Grandson in the afternoon after school so Husband and I had all day to visit or travel around the countryside. He worked at our daughter's house down the road on several days - erecting a pool in the backyard, trimming weeds (and a bush or two), watering new grass, water proofing the porch steps, and stuff like that. She was at home to help on several of these projects while I finished up the quilting and binding.

When I came home from Ohio in April, I brought back with me all of my quilts and wallhangings. What a mess! I finally went through the bags (6 large black trash) again today and decided what to give away, what to keep, and what to sell. Plus I have a very small stack of tops to finish into quilts. So much to do and so little time.

Sorry again for no pictures of stitching. Husband sent pics of the house with Grass but I have no idea on how to move the pic here for you to see. Sorry I am a failure at this but just give me time and I'm sure to catch on. I will try and borrow my daughter's camera and take pics of my stitching and maybe she can figure out how to place it here.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week. May you enjoy good health.
Happy Stitching!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Sorry still no pics still no camera!

It is cold here in SC. OK not as cold as some parts of the country but for us, with the rain, it feels cold. Boo Hoo!

I have finished block #11 except for the background of Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow. I have made just a small start on #10 (one crown). I am stuck on Block #2 of the Vof HRH but promise to get back to it soon. I have already placed my order for Autumn at Hawk Run Hollow. I have seen 3 pics so far and just love it. They are on Kathy's blog Carriage House Samplings & Mo Jewelry and they are wonderful.

I am off the pick up grandson, Sebastian, soon and pick up dinner later. He told me yesterday he wants Chinese lo mein noodles and I will have my usual chick and broc and maybe as a treat I'll get their donuts.

I have another week to go until my husband gets here for a visit. Paul and I haven't seen each other since Dec 31 when I left Ohio to beat the snow. SC is enjoying much better weather even if it is raining again better than snow and ice. We did have some ice last weekend but just 1 evening and morning. We can live with that!

Happy Stitching and stay warm!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Thank you ladies for your welcome.

I don't have a lot to show, actually nothing to show but I am stitching on Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow and a freebie from PrimitiveBettys.

I did manage to empty about 24 boxes and have about 16 more to empty before my husband arrives with another van load from Ohio. I have only lived here in this house in SC since the 27th of November and most of my furniture is still in OH. I do have control of all of my stitching as it traveled with me. My quilting fabrics and patterns/books came down on the truck with the husband and they are all unpacked and put away - we do have to have our prioritites in the right order. (Please excuse any and all spelling errors as I had 4 hrs of sleep before sitting with a 5yr all day.)

I promise to include pictures of past stitched and framed items and maybe even post a little about me next time. Hopefully husband Paul will bring the camera and take pictures to post. What a thrill!!

This is the first time in almost 38 years that Paul and I have been apart this long. I really feel for the military families that are seperated as I am not liking this one bit!

I am going to go hit the quilt stores on Monday. Hopefully one of them will need some help as I have had lots of experience - 18 years in the shop with 15 years teaching quilting. The shop also sold counted cross stitch and I worked with that section of the shop for several years also. Does anyone out there remember The Daisy Barrel in Fairborn Oh? (Fairborn is the home of Wright Patterson Air Force Base) the owners of the shop have all retired and closed the shop - that is where I worked and stitched. We had a great group of ladies - both owners and workers.

Well I have rambled on enough. Thanks for reading. Happy stitching and no sticky fingers!

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Newbie

This is the first day of my blog. Please be kind if you do read this and offer any advice you would like.

I was a cross stitcher then moved to quilting for about 25 years or so and have just gotten back into cross stitching again about 3 years now. I am working my way back into linen but it is a slow process. I have done several items on Hardangar - CHS Sweet Humility and am working on her VoHRH and CatHRH. I am also hand quilting for someone and hope to be done with it in the next 2 months.

I enjoy reading other blogs from stitchers to see what they are currently working on. I love to see their progress. I am a very slow stitcher - a much faster quilter.

I will sign off now as I have to pick up the grandson from school. Until later. Happy Stitching!